Tamarra: Gurindji Termite Project

Scale Free Network is honoured to have spent nearly four months working with and learning from Gurindji elders, artists, knowledge keepers, rangers, language workers and students as part of a new termite-inspired project. During our time on Gurindji Country (between … Continued

Microscopic Metropoles

During our visit to Western Australia, we visited Yalgorup National Park. The name Yalgorup is derived from the Nyoongar words yalgor, meaning ‘a swamp or lake’ and up, meaning ‘a place of’. While most people visit Yalgorup to see the … Continued

International Symbiosis Society – conference in Lisbon

We had an amazing week at the International Symbiosis Society (ISS) conference in Lisbon, Portugal! Each day featured non-stop learning about different symbiotic partnerships, with posters and presentations from a broad range of scientists – such as chemists, microbiologists, entomologists, … Continued


Scale Free Network have been developing the new citizen art-science concept ‘Drawing-as-BioMonitoring‘ for the last several years, at several different sampling and drawing locations. Also under the name of ‘Drawing Water’, more images can be viewed within this SFN gallery … Continued

Zobi and the Zoox: coral symbiosis story

The information below is about the original version of Zobi and the Zoox (2014), created prior to our publishing collaboration with CSIRO Publishing. ______________________________________________________________ Zobi and the Zoox is a beautifully illustrated science-adventure story, set on the Great Barrier Reef. … Continued

Drawing Water (NYC)

While conducting research at Natalie Jeremijenko’s Environmental Health Clinic in New York, SFN took a water sample from the Gowanus Canal, a heavily polluted canal in Brooklyn – now officialy listed as a federal government ‘SuperFund’ site. Then, as part … Continued

Future Foods Research

In preparation for our participation in the Native Botanical Dinner (part of Australian Future Foods Lab at McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery), SFN did some visual research with some of the ingredients that would be on the menu.   With … Continued

The Tree of Life at Friends of the Earth

Following SFN’s Tree of Life-biodiversity workshop at ArtPlay (presented in collaboration with Tony Adams), we had the opportunity to install our tree and its collaboratively made leaves at Friends of the Earth Melbourne. We used a piece of Victorian bluestone … Continued

BZ Chemical Reaction – Performance

SFN’s first live performance was at the Grand Eye and Ear Ball, closing night of The OtherFilm Festival, held at The Old Museum in Brisbane. Demonstrating a real-time complex system evolving inside two petri dishes, each BZ (Belousov-Zhabotinsky) chemical reaction … Continued