In December 2019, Scale Free Network became part of SASi – (Seaweed Appreciation Society international), a mobile experimental platform dedicated to artistic research into seaweed and marine ecologies. SASi hosts events that enhance appreciation for seaweed as a subject. Together with artists, scientists, philosophers, performers and those with a general interest in seaweed, they explore, query and celebrate inter-species conviviality between human and seaweed.
In collaboration with curator/writer Danni Zuvela and designer/researcher Pirjo Haikola, Scale Free Network (SFN) took part in a seaweed foraging field-trip at Rickett’s Point (Victoria) and then together, we presented our findings at MPavillion. Called ‘Seaweed as Collaborator‘, the event was presented as an open-ended discussion about seaweed and some of the challenges facing marine environments in Victoria, particularly from the threat of urchin overpopulation.
Following a talk by Pirjo and Danni, participants got up close and personal with seaweeds using mini-microscopes attached to mobile devices. In addition to taking photographs of samples at 60X magnification, SFN set up a drawing station to encourage a slower method of study and observation. Delicious seaweed snacks were also provided!