Nema and the Xenos: The Book Launch

Did you know that there are more living creatures in a teaspoon of soil than there are humans on planet Earth? And, did you also know that four in every five animals is a nematode? What’s a nematode?! Well, you’ll … Continued

Microscopic Metropolis: MKW 2018

What mysteries lurk in the soil beneath our feet? Part laboratory, part studio, this workshop will introduce you to the mysterious and biodiverse underworld that is soil: the under-appreciated micro-polis beneath our feet, on which the world’s food systems depend. … Continued

Australian Earth Laws Alliance workshop

Aviva, Briony and Gregory hosted a session ‘Embodying Symbiosis‘ at the Australian Earth Laws Alliance conference in Brisbane on October 21. After reading our coral symbiosis story Zobi and the Zoox, conference delegates were invited to cooperate as a group … Continued

Launching The Invisible War

Mission to launch The Invisible War: Accomplished! The Royal Society of Victoria hosted our action-packed launch of The Invisible War – featuring: former Victorian premier Ted Bailieu (chair of the ANZAC centenary committee); ABC Science Show host Robyn Williams as … Continued

The Invisible War: School Testing

As a part of our preparation of The Invisible War, Briony, Gregory and Ailsa ventured out to school classrooms around Victoria to see what children thought about our new graphic novel. Through a combination of formal questionnaires and informal conversation, … Continued

Symbiosis Storytelling at ArtPlay

Over two successive Sundays at ArtPlay in May, the Small Friends team facilitated workshops around The Squid, the Vibrio & the Moon. Parents and children were first captivated by writer Ailsa Wild, who narrated her story. Then Ailsa, Briony, Gregory … Continued