Kirkus Reviews Perspective (“Teen Titles That Put COVID-19 in Context”, 2020)
ABC Science Show (“Nema the nematode introduces children to the world of soil science”, 2019)
Pursuit (“The Art of Inexplicable Eddies”, 2019)
Creative Victoria (“It’s a Small World After All”, 2018)
Il Globo (“Making Sense of the World Around Us”, 2017)
Broadsheet (“Giant Balloons and Swirling Balls”, 2017)
Sydney Morning Herald (“Experimenta Make Sense Review”, 2017)
ABDA Blog (“A Brief Design History of The Invisible War”, 2017)
ABC Books and Arts (“The Invisible War”, 2017)
Realtime (“The Art of Perceptual Play”, 2017)
The Age (“Graphic Novel about WWI”, 2016)
The Canberra Times (“Comic’s Stomach Turning Story”, 2016)
Wild Melbourne (“A Symbiotic Life”, 2016)
Centrethought (“Teaching the World about the Beauty of Microbes”, 2015)
Reading Time (“Zobi and the Zoox”, 2015)
The Lead (“Complexity for Kids”, 2015)
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